Sunday, May 18, 2008

Don't Judge Me

I'm still trying to find time to update and redo my personal blog and my photography blog AND my photography website.

So if you happen to click over to my photo blog ( and see that it looks funny, well it's because it DOES look funny. My photo blog and my personal blog seem to have been pushed aside (they're both on the bottom of my priority list). I'm still trying to put my photography business together (i didn't realize how many TINY details there were), and recently I threw together a simple business card. Now I can actually say, "Yes, of COURSE I have one!" when someone asks for it.

Here's the image:

One day I'll get the hang of posting as often as everyone else... but then again, that would require that I have some sort of "exciting lifestyle". And I don't have that. Unless you call reaching a level 45 on Halo 3 exciting (which I personally do). So, for those who visit and assume that I don't post because I'm lazy, think again.

Friday, May 16, 2008

High School Reunion

So I recently signed on to do one of my close friends' wedding in August. And what date does it happen to fall on? My high school reunion! Anyone who knows me knows how much I LOVED high school (yes, I'm that much of a geek). My husband and I will be in Kentucky that entire weekend. It sucks that I'll be missing out on seeing some of my old friends, but hopefully we'll be setting up some kind of lunch as a "mini-reunion". As bummed as I am, I'm SUPER excited to be a part of Jen's wedding. :)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Messing With Heather...