In an effort to actually keep a blog active, I have decided to close this particular blog down instead of trying to run two (my photography blog). SO, please update your links :) I am now located at:
A wife, a sister, a daughter, an asian.
In an effort to actually keep a blog active, I have decided to close this particular blog down instead of trying to run two (my photography blog). SO, please update your links :) I am now located at:
So I'm jumping on a plane and heading for Arizona tomorrow to do my friend's engagement photos! I'm sure it'll be fun... HOT, but fun. I don't do very well with summer heat here in Utah, so I'm sure Gilbert will kick my trash. And to add to that, I've been super busy and getting NO sleep.
Anyway, I decided to look at what's on my Ipod for my REALLY LONG one hour flight over there. Plus, my friend Staci's getting married and needs some help with song ideas. Figured I'd get a head start and look at what I'm jammin to.
In lieu of another boring post, I thought I'd post an even more boring post. So here's a list- a list of 21 (I am doing 21 because 10 is overrated) of my most favorite love songs ever (it includes the happy, the sappy, and the depressing ones):
21. "Silly Love Songs" by Wings
20. "El Scorcho" by Weezer
19. "Faithful" by Go West
18. "Something Beautiful" by Tracy Bonham
17. "Very First Lie" by Material Issue
16. "Faithfully" by Journey
15. "Reasons to Love You" by Meiko
14. "In Your Eyes" by Peter Gabriel
13. "I Will" by The Beatles
12. "Til I Hear it From You" by Gin Blossoms
11. "We're at the Top of the World" by The Juliana Theory
10. "Ocean Size Love" by Leigh Nash
9. "Just Like Heaven" by The Cure
8. "I Will Love You" by Fisher
7. "Glory of Love" by Chicago
6. "All I Want Is You" by U2
5. "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman
4. "Closer" by The Wallflowers
3. "Fast Car" by Tracy Chapman
2. "Strange and Beauitful" by Aqualung
1. "Shiver" by Coldplay
What's everyone else's favorite?
I read this on Staci's blog and thought I'd throw it up there to entice my friends to actually comment. Probably won't happen, but I tried, right?
Leave a comment on my blog of a memory that you and I have had together. It doesn't matter if you've known me for a short time, or a long time, anything you remember!
Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Ready, Set, GO!
Today sucks. I HATE TODAY. Actually, no... I HATE OUR APARTMENT.
If any of you are familiar at all with what happened to us when we FIRST moved in to Promontory Point, you're well aware of the following:
1. The maggot infestation in our bedroom (yes, INFESTATION because there were over 100). And of course, they refused to let us out of our lease. They even made us pay for the 2 weeks we had to wait for an apartment to open up in the complex while we stayed at my parents.
2. The broken refrigerator that they refused to replace (that caused a good loss of eateries) at first. When the manager checked on it he said:
"It seems to be working fine. If it happens again, let us know." To this I replied, "Um, will you be replacing my groceries if it happens again?" And he kind of smirked over the phone and said, "Well no." So I cut him off with, "Then we would like a new refrigerator". He finally agreed to change it.
3. The thick layer of cat hair at the BOTTOM of our fridge when we first moved in.
Oh, I could go on. Not to mention the fact that I've seen more cops in this complex then I have ANYWHERE else. We've had them knocking on our door because of phone calls saying tenants heard a woman screaming and banging on doors. I've had to call 911 because of a group of people below me in the parking lot screaming, "Ill kill you. I've got a gun". And then there's the neighbor next door who had his motorcycle ripped apart in attempt to steal it.
But last night was a good kicker to the day. Brant went out with Ted and his brothers last night, and when he came home I was asleep on our couch. I was awoken to, "Our fridge isn't working".
Seriously? So this morning I checked it, and the freezer is working fine, just not it's bottom half. Our place has this wonderful aroma of spoiled foods that have been thrown up by a mouth that hasn't seen a toothbrush in years. Again, I find myself having to salvage what can still be kept- and there isn't a whole lot.
We have 28 days of our lease and we'll be moving to near the Sugar House area, into my brother-in-law's condo. I think this complex should be condemned with no chance of restoration.
And with hopes that someone will google "Promontory Apartments" and find this, I leave you with:
DO NOT MOVE INTO PROMONTORY POINT APARTMENTS IN SANDY, UTAH. I REPEAT. DO NOT MOVE INTO PROMONTORY POINT APARTMENTS IN SANDY, UTAH. They're deceiving and the management SUCKS (with the exception to the recently hired employee, whose name escapes me at the moment; i think it's AMBER. we like her). This place is overpriced for 630 square feet. EVERYTHING falls apart. Don't let the outside of the complex find you signing a lease. It's pretty on the outside, but NOT worth a cent. Unless you're looking for a money pit, avoid driving by.
Happy friggin' 4th of July.
This is only a test.... And FYI- if you have my photography blog linked to your website, please remove it! Suz (the super mother of the two kids in the previous post) is working on a newer blog for my photography. It'll be done soon!
This is just a test post for me, so it'll be removed shortly! So for anyone wondering what I've been doing lately, here's a small preview of what you'll find on my photography blog in the near future!
Well, tonight Mike, me and the husband babysat Ben and Reed (or as we like to call them, the "hatchlings") while Ted and Suz went to a wedding. It was a pretty funny night, which mostly consisted of running after Reed and playing video games with Ben.
Reed is HILARIOUS. That boy cannot sit still for more than one second. It took a minute for him to warm up to us, and once that happened- he was all smiles. And we've seen those two boys go at it: Reed tries to play with Ben, Ben gets annoyed, Ben does something to make Reed cry. So our plan of attack? KEEP THEM SEPARATED AT ALL TIMES UNTIL THE PARENTS GET HOME! And yes, we were successful...
Ok, I'm "back posting" a bit. I'm getting better with posting though, right?....
Sheryll: "What are those yellow trains for?"
Staci: "Those are for the lazy people who don't want to walk."
Sheryll: "Oohh..."
So the Mr. and I had 4 tickets to a Bees game tonight, and I had never been to one before. We invited Staci and her fiance Matt to come along with us. Even though I don't really watch or care for baseball, I had a fun night. The best part...? Well, it'd have to be the garlic fries and the hot dog. Mmmmm....
Four jobs I've had:
1. Zuka Juice
2. Convergys Supervisor
3. Day Care Teacher
4. Photographer
Four Movies I've watched more than once:
1. Never Been Kissed
2. Say Anything
3. Lucky Number Slevin
4. Reality Bites
Four places I've lived:
1. Louisville, KY
2. Dallas, TX
3. Nashville, TN
4. Salt Lake City, UT
Four TV shows I watch:
1. The Hills
2. America's Next Top Model
3. Keeping Up With the Kardashians
4. Grey's Anatomy
Four people who email me regularly:
1. Russ
2. Gianne
3. Mike
4. Tricia
Four of my favorite foods:
1. Anything Indian
2. Anything Thai
3. Anything Korean
4. Anything Japanese
Four places I'd like to visit:
1. Morocco
2. Brazil
3. New York
4. Seattle
Four things I'm looking forward to this year:
1. Going to Louisville with Russ (FINALLY!)
2. The Fall
3. Moving to a new place
4. The new X Files movie!
Four people I tag:
1. Staci Garcia
2. Kiersti Kinyon
3. Dani Brems
4. Jenn Stout
I'm still trying to find time to update and redo my personal blog and my photography blog AND my photography website.
So if you happen to click over to my photo blog ( and see that it looks funny, well it's because it DOES look funny. My photo blog and my personal blog seem to have been pushed aside (they're both on the bottom of my priority list). I'm still trying to put my photography business together (i didn't realize how many TINY details there were), and recently I threw together a simple business card. Now I can actually say, "Yes, of COURSE I have one!" when someone asks for it.
Here's the image:
One day I'll get the hang of posting as often as everyone else... but then again, that would require that I have some sort of "exciting lifestyle". And I don't have that. Unless you call reaching a level 45 on Halo 3 exciting (which I personally do). So, for those who visit and assume that I don't post because I'm lazy, think again.
So I recently signed on to do one of my close friends' wedding in August. And what date does it happen to fall on? My high school reunion! Anyone who knows me knows how much I LOVED high school (yes, I'm that much of a geek). My husband and I will be in Kentucky that entire weekend. It sucks that I'll be missing out on seeing some of my old friends, but hopefully we'll be setting up some kind of lunch as a "mini-reunion". As bummed as I am, I'm SUPER excited to be a part of Jen's wedding. :)
So I'm JUST now realizing how big Blogger is. I've found so many old friends though people's links! If you have a blog, send me your link so I can add you!
I haven't been able to post much lately, but I'll be keeping up with this much more often now!
- Sheryll
My favorite quote ever was found in an airport in Ohio a few years ago. I always use it when someone needs any kind of advice for a broken heart. It's helped me, and it's helped a lot of my other friends. So Ms. Fiet, this is for you:
"I beg of you.... to have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don't search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them, and the point is, to live everything, live the questions now. Perhaps then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer..." - Rainer Maria Rilke
I decided to create a separate blog for my photography (it'll be linked to my website as well). I don't update my website with new pics, so I'll be throwing them up on my blog so you can see what I've been up to:
So it's been awhile since I've posted, but I'm gonna go way back in time and sum up my Valentines Day :)
All that morning, I kept asking Russ what he had planned for this Hallmark Day. He gave me no info, no hints, NOTHING. And if you know me, one of the many things that drive me insane is a surprise. I HATE them, especially if you tell me to expect one. I go NUTS.
So I get home around 6ish and I find a red note on the door:
And it says this:
As I walked into the apartment, I found a table full of goodies. :) I told him that whatever we did for Valentines Day, I wanted it to be super cheap. We're on the newlywed budget! There were balloons (I love balloons- 100 times more than I love flowers), candy, cake mix, ingredients for a Valentine's Dinner (a really good chicken wrap), and a Futuristic Box of Love. And I'm sure you guys have no idea what one is, but that's because it's one of Russ' big inventions. When we were dating (WAY long ago), he made me this box (basically a box wrapped in aluminum foil) with a million (ok, not exactly a million) papers that said "i love you". And he called it the Futuristic Box of Love. Of course, when we had broken up, I had tossed it (but kept the "i love you's")- so he made me another one for today. In this one were a bunch of those kid valentine's cards and he had written all over them:
I got him some cute love coupons, and a cookie from Mrs. Fields. He loves the cookies there so I got him the big heart cookie. When the lady at the store asked me what to put on there, I opted to go with something other than "happy valentine's day" or "i love you". The lady had a laugh at what i requested:
And that day at work someone had these conversation heart candies, and lo and behold- they had his "myspace nickname"- SUGAR LIPS. :) So I saved it for him since I knew he'd appreciate it:
And once again, since I had the camera, there were no pictures of me... *sigh*
I really should be doing something more productive and I KNOW I have a lot of things to do today, but I'm opting to veto any plans I had previously set for myself. Yep, I went to bed at 5:30am (Halo never gets old *sigh*) and got back up at 9am, only to be seduced by the XBOX 360 once again- and NOW IT'S 12:32PM. After getting frustrated with a few losses, I turned off my Halo 3 and decided to edit some photos... And of course, that didn't happen either.
SO, since the Super Bowl apparently superceded any church related activities today, I'm going to enjoy the crappy weather outside by filling out this questionnaire that Suz tagged.
1. You have to post these rules before you give the facts.
2. Players, you must list one fact that is somehow relevant to your life for each letter of your middle name. If you don’t have a middle name, use the middle name you would have liked to have had.
3. When you are tagged you need to write your own blog-post containing your own middle name game facts.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
G: Good-lookin' - yeah, that's right. My first fact is that I'm GOOD-LOOKIN'.
U: Ugly - That's what everyone is when they're standing next to me. Because remember- HOT DAMN! I'm soooo good-lookin'!
T: Timeliness - I'm not really good at it. So i guess it's more accurate to use "Tardiness"
E: Everyday Italian - I LOVE this show. I've never been able to successfully make anything, but I'm a hopeful little fella. And a good-lookin' one.
R: Roxette - One of the best bands ever!
R: Rolly Polly - They gross me out, especially when they're in clumps.
E: Everybody, Rock Your Body. I was a huge Backstreet Boys fan.
Z: Zzz- I never catch enough of these.
1. Do you like cheese? Of course, every kind... Even the kind that really isn't that good, but I like it anyway because it's in one of my best food groups ever- the CHEESE group.
2. Have you ever been arrested? No, but I'd like to on accident. That way I've experienced it without having to actually be punished.
3. Have you ever shot a gun? No, but I REALLY want to. I think it's because of all the time I've spent on Halo 3.
4. Your favorite song? Right now it's a song by The Bravery but I can't remember the name.
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? Not really. Unless it's for a pregnancy test. I hate getting my blood drawn.
6. What do you think of when you eat hot dogs? There's a really cool band in the Philippines called "Hot Dog" and they're awesome. They're like the Bee Gees of my people.
7. What's your favorite Christmas song? Baby It's Cold Outside (the ELF version) & Last Christmas (by Wham!)
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? water
9. Can you do push ups? I can't remember. I don't think so. Actually I think the last time I did one my gym trainer laughed at me... And now 5 years later I've gained a gazillion pounds and now I'm sad. The end.
10. Is your bathroom clean? It's clean from any deadly diseases. But it's a bit cluttered because our apartment doesn't believe it storage space, so we have to deal.
11. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? My wedding ring and the jewelry my mom gave to me.
12. Favorite Hobby? Taking pictures.
13. What are you listening to right now? The backround music to Halo 3 (I left it on and I'm too lazy to walk back into the other room to turn it off)
14. What is the last thing you ate? This morning I had left over pizza.
15. What one trait do you hate about yourself? My cleanliness. Not the hygiene kind. I'm good to go on my hygiene, but I'm not necessarily the most organized person.
16. Middle Name? Gutierrez
17. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment? Russ is rude, Russ says things without thinking sometimes, and Russ needs to ask politely when he wants the internet- not telling me to get off.
18. Name the last 3 things you have bought. Pizza last night, cardstock paper, and marketing templates for my photograpy.
19. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink. water, diet coke and hot chocolate.
20. Current worry right now? I've misplaced something valuable and I can't find it... :(
21. Current hate? Snow
22. Favorite place to be? Anywhere with family.
23. How did you bring in the New Year? With a kegger and some naked chicks. Kidding.
24. What is your quirkiest habit? I have a slight case of OCD with certain things.
25. Name three people who will complete this and return? Nobody ever completes this for me. I'm the last to fill these things out usually.
26. How many siblings do you have? 2 sisters, 2 sister in-laws, and 3 brother in-laws.
27. Do you own slippers? Not the fuzzy kind. I wish.
28. What shirt are you wearing? my beaten up gap hoodie... no shirt. I don't like wearing shirts underneath hoodies. too many layers.
29. What shampoo do you use? This green stuff I bought at a health store.
30. Favorite colors? Pink and Black.
31. Would you like to be a pirate? No, I'm a ninja.
32. What songs do you sing in the shower? Rap. I freestyle in my bathroom all the time. And I'm SOOOO good.
33. Favorite girl name? Addison, only because I'm OBSESSED with Grey's Anatomy right now.
34. Favorite male name? Liam, but Russ hates the name. Little does he know that's what we're naming our first son. I don't care what he says. If I'm popping out a baby, I get to name him.
35. What's in your pockets right now? I don't have any pockets
36. Last thing that made you laugh? "I think it was me. Last night, I wiped my butt kind of hard..."
37. Best bed sheets as a child? They were pretty simple, and I can't really remember much.
38. Worst injury you've ever had? I fell down a flight of steps in front of my entire graduating Seminary Class and sprained my ankle. I had to use crutches for my Highschool Graduation.
39. When's your birthday? Dec 4
40. How many TVs do you have in your house? 1, 2 ipods, 2 computer screens. I manage to watch stuff on all of them.
41. Who is your loudest friend? JaNae, but I love her with every decibel.
42. There is no 42
43. Does someone have a crush on you? The world.
44. Do you wish on shooting stars? I usually forget by the time I see the tail-end of one.
45.What is your favorite book ? Oh The Places You'll Go by Dr. Seuss.
46.What is your favorite age? 15, 19, and 26
47. What song do/did you want played at your wedding? I Believe In The Thing Called Love by "The Darkness". It played when they announced us as Mr and Mrs Stout!
48. What song do you want played at your funeral? Something by the Spice Girls. That should bring on a few smiles.
49. What were you doing at 12 am this morning? Halo 3...
50. What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up? It's 9am? That's a good time to get up for Halo 3.
I tag back anyone else who has the patience to actually fill this thing out. Thanks for reading!
- Sheryll
I had the pleasure of playing the "Photographer" at Savannah's 3rd birthday party. It was pretty funny chasing 10 kids around with a camera. And let me tell you how challenging it was to make sure I wasn't snapping shots of random kids there. Imagine what some of the parents would have thought if they saw some random Asian woman taking pictures of their little bundle of joy. Luckily, I think I managed.
This was my first time as a "birthday photographer", and I've gotta say that it's a great idea. When I have kids, I'm totally getting one. Heather (Savannah's mom) didn't have to worry about taking any photos that night.
that's what Pee Wee Herman once said...
My website went up recently! I'm extremely excited. I just did a wedding on Friday, and I have a few more coming up. This pic is from that day.
1. My ex is still... an ex. Otherwise, I'd be in big trouble.
2. I am listening to... Alicia Keys.
3. Maybe I should... finish my photography website.
4. I love... my husband.
5. My best friend(s)... are odd, odd people.
6. Girls just don't... seem to get it.
7. I lost... weight once. I can do it again.
8. People say... they're openminded, and most of the time they're really not.
10. Love is... my husband, my family, my friends, and a night of Halo 3.
11. Somewhere, someone is... myspacing. I'm pretty sure of it.
12. I will always... be asked if I speak Chinese.
13. Forever seems... too short.
14. I never ever want to... lose someone else that I love. Even though I know it's part of life.
15. My cell phone is... a barbie doll phone.
16. When I wake up in the morning... I feel guilty for staying up soooo late.
17. I get annoyed when... people argue about politics. It's VERY possible to have a civil conversation about it.
18. Parties are... few and far between when you get older.
20. Kisses are the best when... they're genuine.
21. Today I... took a pregnancy test.
22. Tomorrow I will... take another one to be sure.
23. I really want... to be out of debt.